The case of absorbing aerosol anomalous transport over the Black Sea in the spring of 2020 [Аномальный перенос поглощающего аэрозоля над Чёрным морем за весенний период 2020 г.]  id статьи: 913
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Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa

Выходные данные
том 18
выпуск 2
страницы 287 - 298
Dust transport events over the Crimean Peninsula and the Black Sea in March 2020 are presented. According to the seven-day backward trajectories provided by the network of ground-based photometers AERONET the 16 dust transport events were observed: from the African continent (Sahara) and the Syrian Desert, as well as an atypical transport from Asia. The Kaplankyr Reserve (Turkmenistan) became an anomalous source of mineral dust transport to the Black Sea region since March 23 to March 26. The dust transport analysis results during this period showed that the main microelements of the absorbing aerosol from Asia are inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. The phosphate concentration for March 23 exceeded the weighted average concentration for the first half of 2020 by 90 times. During the study period, also data were obtained on the concentration of PM10 suspended particles, which are hazardous air pollutants. The Ventusky service (https://www.ventusky.com) reported abnormally high concentrations of PM10 particles on March 25 and 26. The PM10 concentration values exceeded 300 mg/m3, what is critical for human health and wildlife in particular. According to Ventusky (SILAM model), the directions of dust transport coincided with the directions of PM10 transport. In this paper, an analysis of MODIS satellite data is presented to assess the spatio-temporal characteristics of transport events and the CALIPSO satellite data to determine the type of transported aerosol during the study period. © 2021 Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved
Ключевые слова
ERONET, lack Sea, ust aerosol, YSPLIT backward trajectorie, ODI, ILA, entusk, IIR
Дата занесения
2021-05-24 11:18:28
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Квартиль Q3
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