The Web GIS monitoring and forecasting platforms in the Meditteranean and Black seas  id статьи: 708
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Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

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том 11524
страницы № 1152411
Zodiatis, G.1
Sylaios, G.1
In the framework of the HERMES project [1] a network of four buoys/monitoring stations were deployed, three in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and one in the Black Sea. The monitoring platforms were deployed in the coastal areas in the Northern Aegean Sea (Greece), in the Larnaca bay (Cyprus), in the SE Ionian Sea (Albania) and in the SW Black Sea (Bulgaria). The monitoring stations provide in near real time data for the sea currents, waves, sea level variation, sea temperature and suspended particles. Moreover, numerical modeling tools were implemented for the provision of forecasting data for sea currents, sea temperature, salinity and waves for all the four areas under study of the HERMES project The data management of the in-situ and forecasting data, a dedicated database was developed using MySQL DBMS, which includes 8 tables, two for each monitoring station. The data archive and online data access to the in-situ and forecasting data a dedicated software was developed including a User Interface. The UI allows to select the desirable in-situ data from the selected monitoring station for a given requested time interval. The data are presented as interactive time series plots. Selected data can be downloaded in SDN ODV format. The modules of the HERMES Web GIS were used to generate files with the in-situ time series data in the well known SeaDataCloud and EMODNET Ingestion formats. For the generation of the metadata of the monitoring stations the SDN MIKADO software was used. A similar Web GIS for archiving and providing access to data from monitoring stations was implemented also for the Kacively monitoring station in the northern Black Sea, which operated by MHI-RAS. The development of software for archiving and providing access to Kacively monitoring station was carried out in the framework of the Task No. 0827-2019-0004 "Coastal researches"of the MHI-RAS. © 2020 SPIE.
Ключевые слова
Database, HERMES project, Monitoring systems, Web GIS
Дата занесения
2020-09-29 15:23:09
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Комплексные междисциплинарные исследования океанологических процессов, определяющих функционирование и эволюцию экосистем прибрежных зон Черного и Азовского морей