The paper contains the results of determining the physical and chemical characteristics of lead sorption by impregnated sorbents based on Di-(tert-butylcyclohexano)-18-crown-6 and different diluents
(1,1,7-trihydrododecafluoroheptanol, ionic liquid). The results of studying the influence of sorption time (kinetics) and lead concentration in the initial solution (isotherm) on the degree of lead
extraction by the obtained sorbents, as well as the selectivity of lead sorption against other metals, were presented for the first time. These characteristics are important to justify the ratio of
the solution to the sorbent for concentration and separation from related impurities, the rate of transmission of the solution through the sorbent, estimates of the amount of stable tracer to be inserted.
The specific activity of Pb-210 in the Black Sea was determined for the first time using the obtained sorbents. Samples for determining the specific activity of Pb-210 in sea water were taken on cruise
101 of the R/V "Professor Vodyanitsky" (December 14-28, 2017).
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