The propagation of the Danube River plume has strong interannual variability that impacts the local balance of nutrients and the thermohaline structure in the
western Black Sea. In the present study, we use a particle tracking model based on satellite altimetry measurements and wind reanalysis data, as well as satellite
measurements (SeaWiFS, MODIS), to investigate the interannual variability in the Danube plume pathways during the summer from 1993 to 2015. The wind conditions largely
define the variability in the Danube water propagation. Relatively low-frequency variability (on periods of a week to months) in the wind stress curl modulates the
intensity of the geostrophic Rim Current and related mesoscale eddy dynamics. High-frequency offshore wind-drift currents transport the plume across isobaths and
provide an important transport link between shelf and offshore circulation. Inherent plume dynamics play an additional role in the near-mouth transport of the plume
and its connection with offshore circulation.During the years with prevailing northeast winds (similar to 30% of studied cases), which are usually accompanied by
increased wind curl over the Black Sea and higher Danube discharge, an alongshore southward current at the NorthWestern Shelf (NWS) is formed near the western Black
Sea coast. Advected southward, the Danube waters are entrained in the Rim Current jet, which transports them along the west coast of the basin. The strong Rim Current, fewer eddies and downwelling winds substantially decrease the cross-shelf exchange of nutrients.
During the years with prevailing southeastern winds (similar to 40%), the Rim Current is less intense. Mesoscale eddies effectively trap the Danube waters,
transporting them to the deep western part of the basin. The low- and high-frequency southeastern wind-drift currents contribute significantly to cross-isobath plume
transport and its connection with offshore circulation. During several years (similar to 15%), the Danube waters moved eastward to the west coast of Crimea. They were
transported on the north periphery of the mesoscale anticyclones due to prevailing eastward wind-drift currents. During the years with hot summers, a monsoon effect
induced the formation of a strong anticyclonic wind cell over the NorthWestern Shelf (NWS), and the plume moved northward (similar to 15%). Anticyclonic wind
circulation leads to the Ekman convergence of brackish surface waters in the centre of the shelf and the formation of a baroclinic geostrophic anticyclone north of
the NWS. This anticyclone traps the Danube waters and forces them to remain on the shelf for a long period of time. The impact of the propagation of the plume on the
variability in chlorophyll a chlorophyll a in the NWS and the western Black Sea is analysed in this study based on satellite data.
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