Численное моделирование бризовой циркуляции с использование модели WRF-ARW  id статьи: 357
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CITES '2019: Труды Международной молодежной школы и конференции по вычислительно-информационным технологиям для наук об окружающей среде, Москва, 27 мая-06 июня 2019 г.
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страницы 91-93
The breeze circulation is an important atmospheric process that affects the weather and climate of coastal regions [1]. Crimea is one of such regions. One of the breeze research methods is numerical simulation. This method, together with data from weather stations and satellite data, has been successfully used to obtain reliable information on breeze circulation in various geographic regions [2]. For the Crimean peninsula, numerical modeling was used to describe the features of the breeze circulation [3]. The purpose of this work is to describe the regional features of the daily breeze in the Crimea, namely the description of the breeze circulation near the Crimean Mountains. Using satellite images the day was chosen with a pronounced breeze. For the selected day, a numerical experiment was conducted using the mesoscale model WRF-ARV The data were used in the visible range from MODIS Terra and MODIS Aqua. Satellites, with a spatial resolution 250 m. The breeze indicator on the satellite images was characteristic cumulus clouds forming in front of the breeze front. Since these satellites pass over the same point of the surface with a difference of 3 hours, this made it possible to see the development of cumulus clouds during the day. For the numerical simulation, the mesoscale model WRF-ARV was used, based on a system of non-hydrostatic equations written for a compressible atmosphere. The model has a wide range of options for describing subgrid processes, such as turbulence in the boundary planetary layer, radiation transfer, cloud microphysics, cumulus convection, heat and moisture transfer in the soil. To conduct a numerical simulation of breeze circulation, data from the global operative analysis NCEP GDAS / FNL 0.25 were taken as input data. The data has a resolution of 0.25 degrees in space, 6 hours in time. The simulation used 2 levels of nested grids with a 6 and 2 km spatial resolution, 32 levels vertically. The simulation was carried out for 1 day. As a result of numerical simulation, it was found that the breeze circulation over the flat part of the Crimea has standard characteristics inherent in classical concepts. These include: 1) the formation of the daytime convective boundary layer; 2) the development and spread of breeze gravity currents from the coast; 3) the formation of the breeze front, head and tail of the breeze gravity current; 4) intense vertical lift in front of the front; 5) reverse branch of breeze circulation cell. However, the breeze circulation in the Crimea has features. One of them is the propagation of several gravitational currents from different shores to the center of the peninsula, their collision, which is the unique phenomenon characteristic of land areas of sufficiently small size. The greatest attention is paid to the features of the breeze on the South Coast of Crimea, associated with the influence of the mountain relief.
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2019-12-12 15:49:00
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Фундаментальные исследования процессов взаимодействия в системе океан–атмосфера, определяющих региональную пространственно-временную изменчивость природной среды и климата