WEB GIS tools to visualize sea currents data  id статьи: 3215
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Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 10th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment, RSCy 2024Paphos 8 April 2024до 9 April 2024

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The work is dedicated to the development of web GIS tools that provide storage, data access, and visualization of current data. The system was developed using free-access ARGO data from the ARGO portal [1,2] but any other similar data (for example, drifters' data) can be used. To store data, the Postgresql DBMS was chosen. The database was designed to archive metadata and data separately. The database consists of a metadata table (trajectories) that has key fields connected to the measurement data table (profiles). The tables were automatically filled up by specially developed Python software. Standard Argo files do not have drift information. To calculate it and fill it into the database table, a Python script was developed. The user interface (UI) was realized using jQuery and MapboxGL as a map service. The UI allows to select the ARGO float trajectories using the ARGO ID from the available relevant list. The trajectory can be displayed as vectors that show the drift's direction and speed, or as points that match observation cycles. In addition to trajectories, observations points, and profiles plots for every measurement parameter, the user interface (UI) enables the visualization of drift velocity, drift rise, and drift information metadata. The following criteria can be used to make the queries: - Selecting an Argo ID. -Selecting by rectangular area from all of the Argo drift data. - Selecting based on date intervals, drift depth and combination of these filters Further, the system will be adapted to archive and visualize current ADCP measurements. © 2024 SPIE.
Ключевые слова
Argo, Black sea, GIS, jQuery, mapbox gl, oceanographic database, Postgresql
Дата занесения
2024-10-16 14:03:58
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история начисления баллов за квартал:

Анализ, диагноз и оперативный прогноз состояния гидрофизических и гидрохимических полей морских акваторий на основе математического моделирования с использованием данных дистанционных и контактных методов измерений
Фундаментальные исследования процессов взаимодействия в системе океан-атмосфера, формирующих изменчивость физического состояния морской среды на различных пространственно-временных масштабах