A Software Tool for Operative Data Preparation for Assessing the Structure of Longshore Sediment Flows in the Coastal Zone of the Sea  id статьи: 3103
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Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea

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The paper describes the geoinformation software developed for automated formation of an array of input parameters necessary to assess the direction and relative intensity of alongshore sediment flows using the wind energy method. This method establishes a direct relationship between the energy of wind action on the water surface and the intensity of sediment movement. The method can be applied to calculations for shallow and relatively straight coastal sections with sand and gravel deposits. As input parameters, the software uses information about both the wind direction and speed, as well as the length of the wave acceleration along the sectors of different directions and the average depth along the acceleration rays. These parameters are individual for each segment of the approximation of the study coast section. The possibility of using wind data as the only parameter characterizing the driving force provides an advantage when using the method to conduct preliminary and reconnaissance assessments of the structure and main parameters of sediment movement in the areas that are poorly studied or not covered with disturbance data. The basics of the method were developed in the absence of computer technology. Therefore, the considerable complexity of preparing regional data limited the possibility to detail the coastline when approximating it by a piecewise linear function. The same limitation was imposed on the number of sectors in the wind direction when calculating the energy interpreted as a sediment movement force. The development and availability of modern geoinformation technologies in terms of creating new digital models of the bottom relief or using existing ones predetermined that the authors develop a modified version of the calculation scheme of the wind energy method and a specialized software tool to automate the preparation stage of a set of regional input parameters. The software allows to significantly accelerate preparation of digital data arrays to clarify the structure of sediment flows for extended sections of the coastal zone of Western Crimea.
Ключевые слова
automation of calculations, coastal zone, GIS, lithodynamics processes, longshore sediment flows, wind energy method, wind-wave regime
Дата занесения
2024-05-15 15:08:25
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Квартиль Q3
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