For the first time, the paper proposes an outline of an ecological framework for the western coast of Sevastopol. An ecological framework is a network of protected areas and objects of different status represented by areal, linear and point elements. The studying of the bottom landscape structure and hydro-botanical survey of the coastal zone were carried out in summer 2020. Based on the obtained data, a map of underwater landscapes in the study water area was made. Six underwater landscapes dominated by key macrophyte species were identified in the landscape structure: Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata, and Phyllophora crispa. For each underwater landscape, the phytocenosis is described, and quantitative and qualitative indicators of macrophytobenthos are calculated (species composition of macrophytes, presence of protected red-listed algae species, phytomass stock of macroalgae and its dominant species). Based on the landscape approach, spatial and functional conservation elements (key, transit, buffer and restorative) were identified taking into account the indicators of the vegetation component of underwater landscapes. It was revealed that for the coastal area under study the key water areas include underwater landscapes with “Cystoseira” phytocenosis, the transit ones include landscapes with “Cystoseira” – Phyllophora phytocenosis, and restorative ones include landscapes with Phyllophora phytocenosis. All elements of the ecological framework have different protection regimes and are of different types of nature management. The obtained results and proposed approach can be used to form an ecological framework of the marine areas of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea. © The Author(s) 2023.
Ключевые слова
Black Sea, landscape approach, macrophytobenthos, protected water areas, underwater landscapes