Influence of cosmic radiation and solar activity on the change of dry and wet periods in the Crimea  id статьи: 2942
Тип публикации
материалы конференции
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 29th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics 2023; Moscow; Russian Federation; 26 June 2023 до 30 June 2023
Выходные данные
№ 1278055
The relationship between atmospheric precipitation, cosmic radiation and solar activity during the change of dry and wet periods in the Crimea was investigated on the basis of long-term observation data. It was found that on an interannual time scale, dry periods correspond to periods of increase in high-energy cosmic radiation and decrease in solar activity. In contrast, wet periods correspond to periods of decreasing cosmic radiation and increasing solar activity (Wolf number). Heavy showers and floods, especially in the zenithal period of the year in June-July, are usually timed to extremes of cosmic radiation and variations of solar activity on a “days-months” scale, which occur due to increased solar flare activity.
Ключевые слова
atmospheric precipitation, climate change, cosmic radiation, Crimea, droughts, floods, solar activity, Wolf number
Дата занесения
2023-11-20 23:42:00
количество баллов за публикацию
количество баллов каждому автору
история начисления баллов за квартал:
FNNN-2021-0005«Комплексные междисциплинарные исследования океанологических процессов, определяющих функционирование и эволюцию экосистем прибрежных зон Черного и Азовского морей»