The rate of attenuation of sun rays in water is much faster than in the atmosphere. This rate of attenuation also varies in different water bodies due to n number of factors. Therefore, transparency is a significant environmental factor for a given water body. The thickness of illuminated layer of water is called euphotic layer or Zeuph . It represents the layer of water that has 1% of surface irradiance. Zeuph determines the rate of photosynthesis, occurrence of phytoplankton, and zooplankton. The conversion of sus’s energy into biomass takes place in this layer. This energy then gets transferred to the lower aphotic zone of the water body. Therefore, modelling of this layer holds great environmental significance. Various methods of remote sensing have come into usage as practical ones for the inaccessible or extensively large areas. Still the first-hand field surveys have been proven most accurate methods. Thus, in the present study, an attempt was made to use first-hand Secchi depth data for modelling Zeuph using Secchi disk of four major lakes of Kumaun region naming Nainital, Bhimtal, Sattal, and Naukuchiyatal. Volume of Zeuph of each of the candidate lakes in relation to the lake’s total volume is also estimated in order to estimate which lake has most photosynthetically active layer and it was found that Sattal is most active lake in terms of photosynthesis with roughly 10% volume as Zeuph while Bhimtal is found least active in this regard. The present study is considered as a novel study because first time this methodology has been applied to identified photosynthetically active euphotic layer in aforementioned lakes. An attempt is also made to examine the relationship between secchi depth and distance from the lake bank.
Ключевые слова
Euphotic layer, GIS modeling, Kamaun region, Nainital, Secchi depth