Interannual variability of surface salinity in the Kara Sea according to satellite data  id статьи: 2842
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Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 28th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics Tomsk 4 July 2022до 8 July 2022
Выходные данные
The runoff of Yenisei and Ob has a significant impact on the Kara Sea freshening. The paper analyzes long-term satellite data on the sea surface salinity in the Kara Sea during the ice-free period for 2015-2021 in order to identify the position and dynamics of the river plumes and the region of the freshwater influence. It was found that the area of the freshwater influence limited by the isohaline of 26 psu, is determined by the total Yenisei and Ob inflow into the Kara Sea. The interannual variability of the freshwater area in August is determined by the runoff of the Ob and Yenisei accumulated for June-August and the wind regime. Analysis of the sea surface salinity identified three types of freshwater distribution based on the analysis of salinity at the sea surface. The different types of large-scale atmospheric circulation over the Kara Sea, determined by the Arctic Oscillation index, has also been shown to affect the formation of freshwater regions. It was found that during the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation, when the anticyclonic pressure area is over the Arctic, most part of the Kara Sea is occupied by freshwater and the position of the 26 psu isohaline is northern of 77◦N. This type of freshwater propagation was observed in August 2015 and 2019. Other types of freshwater propagation are characteristic of the positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation, when a cyclonic pressure area is located on the Arctic Ocean. © 2022 SPIE.
Ключевые слова
freshwater influence, Kara Sea, Ob, plume, remote sensing, salinity, Yenisei
Дата занесения
2023-08-21 15:08:25
Импакт-фактор --
количество баллов за публикацию
количество баллов каждому автору
история начисления баллов за квартал:
0555-2021-0005Комплексные междисциплинарные исследования океанологических процессов, определяющих функционирование и эволюцию экосистем прибрежных зон Черного и Азовского морей