Variability of the Water-Leaving Radiance under the Conditions of Dust Transport by the Satellite Sentinel-3 Data on the Example of the Black Sea and Sevastopol  id статьи: 2836
Тип публикации
статья в журнале
Physical Oceanography

Выходные данные
том 30
выпуск 3
страницы 369 - 383
Purpose. The meteorological situation in November 2021 has resulted in forming the conditions for intensive dust aerosol transfer to the Black Sea region. Intensive precipitation has contributed to the subsequent deposition of dust particles on the Black Sea surface layer and in its coastal zone. The work is purposed at comprehensive studying the case of abnormally intense precipitation in Sevastopol with a storm wind speed up to 27 m/s for November 29–30, 2021 using satellite and ground-based monitoring means for assessing the aerosol impact on the sea and atmosphere optical characteristics in the region under study. Methods and Results. For November 29 and 30, 2021, the calculated concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 particles were measured in the atmosphere over Sevastopol by the ATMAS dust meter. To determine the source of aerosol transport by means of a cyclone, the results of calculating the back trajectories of air mass transfer were analyzed. The trajectories were obtained using the HYSPLIT and AERONET models software package for Sevastopol. Comprehensive analysis of satellite and field data has resulted in recording the atmospheric aerosol transfer by dust. A comparative analysis of the data on concentrations of the PM10, PM2.5 particles and dust based on the SILAM model and field data, confirmed the dust aerosol transfer from Africa to the Black Sea region. The data of the WRF (Weather and Research Forecasting) modeling of the transfer event on 29.11.2021 testify to the fact that in the western part of the Black Sea, the concentration of dust particles was up to 2000 μg/m-3 (in the same part of the sea, before the dust transfer, the dust concentration did not exceed 50 μg/m-3). On 30.11.2021, the dust plume shifted to the eastern region. To assess the absorption contribution to the value of water-leaving radiance of the sea surface layer, the data on the optical characteristics for the cases of dust transport (21.11.2021) and clear atmosphere (02.12.2021) were analyzed. The main optical and microphysical characteristics of the atmospheric aerosol during the period under study were analyzed using the data of portable solar photometers of the AERONET network. Basic information on the aerosol transfer and its type was obtained due to the data of the MODIS-Aqua, VIIRS, Sentinel and CALIPSO satellite platforms. To confirm the dust transfer from Africa, presented were the results of modeling the reverse trajectories of air flow movement performed using the HYSPLIT and AERONET software package for the Black Sea stations Section_7 (Romania), Galata_Platform (Bulgaria) and Sevastopol (Russia). Conclusions. Study of the water-leaving radiance values based on the satellite and ground-based measurements performed at the wavelength 443 nm shows that in the presence of an absorbing aerosol, the contribution of sea brightness to the total signal becomes smaller as compared to the brightness coefficients for a background day and for a day with clear atmosphere (content of the aerosol particles is minimal). The sea water-leaving radiance constitutes 5% of the total radiance for a day with clear atmosphere, 2% – for a background day, and 1% – for a day with an absorbing aerosol in the atmosphere. © D. V. Kalinskaya, A. S. Papkova, 2023.
Ключевые слова
AERONET, back trajectories HYSPLIT, Black Sea, CALIPSO, MODIS, OLCI, Sentinel, SILAM, SPM, VIIRS
Дата занесения
2023-08-16 11:58:48
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