Influence of Ice Compression on the Wave Current Velocities at the Nonlinear Interaction of Wave Harmonics  id статьи: 2765
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Physical Oceanography
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Purpose. The work is aimed at studying the ice compression influence on the components of fluid motion velocity under a floating ice cover in propagation of the wave formed by the nonlinear interaction of wave harmonics. Methods and Results. Based on the obtained solution of the problem on nonlinear interaction of the progressive surface waves in a finite depth basin with floating and longitudinally compressed elastic ice, analyzed were the distributions of the components of fluid particles motion velocity along the generated wave length depending on the ice characteristics. The impact of thickness, elasticity modulus and compressive force of the ice cover, nonlinearity of the ice vertical acceleration and the amplitude of the second interacting harmonic upon the vertical and horizontal components of the fluid particles motion velocity was studied. Conclusions. It is established that the compressive force conditions reduction of the phase and the maximum values of the fluid motion velocity components. Change in the sign of the second interacting harmonic amplitude is manifested in a significant profile transformation, and affects the generated perturbation phase at the regard for the nonlinearity of ice vertical acceleration. When the compression force value is fixed, a decrease in the ice cover rigidity results in a noticeable delay of the oscillation phase. © A. A. Bukatov, 2023
Ключевые слова
flexural-gravity waves, ice compression, ice cover, longitudinal compressive force, motion of fluid particles, nonlinear interaction of waves, waves of finite amplitude
Дата занесения
2023-08-03 11:26:40