Тип публикации
статья в журнале
Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics
Выходные данные
1458 - 1469
Travkin V.S.1
Belonenko T.V.1
Abstract—: The paper provides a joint analysis of Aqua/MODIS data, global ocean reanalysis GLORYS12V1, and atmospheric reanalysis ERA5. We consider the quasi-permanent Lofoten Vortex located in the Norwegian Sea. Analysis of SST maps reveals the existence of a cold spot in the area of the Lofoten Vortex in the summer–autumn period. A joint analysis of satellite maps and GLORYS12V1 data shows that the main reason for the formation of the cold spot is the rise of the isopicns of the upper dome of the vortex and the destruction of the heated layer, as a result of which colder isopicns come to the surface. It is revealed that in many cases the cold spot shifts to the periphery of the vortex in a southeasterly direction, and the shift can be several tens of kilometers. The reason may be the vortex advection of particles in an anticyclonic vortex. It is shown that along with the formation of the cold spot, there is a 10–30 m decrease in the depth of the upper quasi-homogeneous layer above the Lofoten Vortex in the summer–autumn period. The formation of a cold spot on the water surface is accompanied by a decrease in temperature in the drive layers of the atmosphere. © 2022, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Ключевые слова
Aqua/MODIS, cold spot, GLORYS12V1, heated layer, lens, Lofoten Vortex, reanalysis ERA5, SSH, SST
Дата занесения
2023-04-19 13:14:26