Landscapes of the west coast of Sevastopol are characterized by a rather complex structure. Landscapes of the west coast of Sevastopol are characterized by a rather complex structure. The formation of the landscape structure is influenced by the peculiarities of natural conditions and the degree of anthropogenic pressure. A map of modern landscapes of the west coast was made. Landscapes have been transformed to varying degrees by economic activity. Landscapes are characterized by floristic originality and perform environment-forming functions. Stabilizing landscapes prevail insignificantly, which contributes to the instability of the coast and will lead to a decrease in beach area, activation of gravity processes, destruction and retreat of the coast, reduction of landscape and biological diversity, reduction of recreational attraction. In this regard, the anthropogenic load on the landscapes of the west coast should be regulated and scientifically justified. The results can be used in the organization of environmental activities, the formation of specially protected natural areas, the ecological network, in the territorial, landscape and other types of planning of the western coast of Sevastopol.