Impact of the Cyclone on Spatial Distribution of the Smoke Aerosol Resulted from the Fires in May, 2021  id статьи: 2358
Тип публикации
статья в журнале
Physical Oceanography

Выходные данные
том 29
выпуск 3
страницы 303-319
Purpose. Using the satellite and ground-based monitoring, as well as the results of modeling the atmosphere dynamics, a long-range transport of smoke aerosol was comprehensively studied. Methods and Results. The period of multiple and intense fires recorded in Western Siberia near the Kazakhstan border in May, 2021 was considered. To analyze the scales and locations of the most active fires during the period under consideration, the satellite monitoring maps from the FIRMS system archives were used. Being analyzed, the satellite images showed the smoke transfer on May, 9 and 10 towards the Middle Urals that was confirmed by photometric measurements at the AERONET aerial ash monitoring station. The results of modeling the air mass back transfer performed due to the HYSPLIT software were represented to confirm smoke transport from the Urals. On May, 11 a cyclone was formed over the territory of the Volgograd region, its periphery just covered the Urals region. This fact contributed to the smoke aerosol transfer towards Finland at a distance exceeding 4000 km via the Black Sea region. The basic information on the stages of the cyclonic vorticity formation and the smoke aerosol transport was obtained from the MODIS Aqua, VIIRS and CALIPSO satellite platforms. Based on the VIIRS satellite data, the dynamics of the surface layer temperature variability and the chlorophyll a concentration in the zone of the maximum wind impact in the Black Sea region before and after the cyclone passage were analyzed. The main optical and microphysical characteristics of the atmosphere aerosol for the period under study were also analyzed using the data from a portable sun photometer and the AERONET stationary ones. Conclusions. A number of specific meteorological conditions which developed in May, 2021 promoted accumulation of the smoke aerosol in the atmosphere of the Middle Urals and its subsequent transport, first, to the Black Sea region and then – towards Finland.
Ключевые слова
AERONET, aerosol optical depth, atmospheric aerosol, back trajectories, Black Sea, CALIPSO, fire, FIRMS, HYSPLIT, land monitoring, MAIAC, MODIS, optical characteristics, satellite monitoring, SPM, VIIRS
Дата занесения
2022-08-03 16:05:17
Статус есть
Квартиль Q3
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