This paper presents the results of observations of short-period internal waves (SIWs) over ice-free areas of the Southern Ocean. The study was conducted in the Indian and Atlantic sectors, namely in the Drake Passage and the Scotia, Weddell, Riser-Larsen, Lazarev, Cosmonauts, and Commonwealth Seas using Sentinel-1A/B satellite data for February 2020. Form the analysis of surface manifestations of SIWs in SAR images we determined by the areas of their generation and space-time characteristics, such as crest length of the leading wave and packet width. In total, 1037 radar images were analyzed and 6888 surface manifestations of SIWs were identified. Key areas of SIWs activity defined by their maximum probability were recorded in the Drake Passage, above the continental slope to the northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Scotia Sea, and also above the shelf slope in the Commonwealth Sea. Internal waves were observed as packets of 4–5 solitary waves with a leading wave crest length of about 15–30 km, an average packet width of about 15 km (most values are within 10–25 km), and a characteristic decrease in the distance between them towards the rear of the packet; single solitons were rarely recorded. © 2022 Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова
КОРОТКОПЕРИОДНЫЕ ВНУТРЕННИЕ ВОЛНЫ, СПУТНИКОВАЯ РАДИОЛОКАЦИЯ МОРСКОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ, ЮЖНЫЙ ОКЕАН, ПРОЛИВ ДРЕЙКА, МОРЕ СКОША, МОРЕ УЭДДЕЛЛА, МОРЕ ЛАЗАРЕВА, МОРЕ РИСЕР-ЛАРСЕНА, МОРЕ СОДРУЖЕСТВА, МОРЕ КОСМОНАВТОВ, Commonwealth Sea, Cosmonauts Sea, Drake Passage, Lazarev Sea, Riiser-Larsen Sea, satellite radar sea surface, Scotch Sea, short-period internal waves, Southern Ocean, Weddell Sea