Influence of nonlinearity of surface waves on the error of altimetric measurements of sea level
[Влияние нелинейности поверхностных волн на точность альтиметрических измерений уровня моря]  id статьи: 2346
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Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa
Выходные данные
Sea state bias (SSB) caused by changes in the state of the sea surface is the main factor determining the error of remote measurement of sea level. In this paper, one of the three components of the SSB, due to the deviation of the distribution of sea surface elevations from the Gauss distribution, skewness bias (SB) is analyzed. Changes in the second, third and fourth statistical moments of surface elevation are taken into account. The analysis is carried out on the basis of in situ wave measurements performed on a stationary oceanographic platform located in the coastal zone of the Black Sea. It is shown that for the Black Sea, the SB mainly lies in the range from –0.2 to 1.6 cm. It is shown that to parameterize the measurement error of the sea surface level, in addition to a significant wave height and wind speed, it is advisable to use dimensionless parameters: the steepness of the waves and the reverse age of the waves. The correlation coefficients of SB with these parameters are higher than the correlation coefficients of SB with the pseudo-age of waves or the period of the main energy-carrying (dominant) waves. © 2022 Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова
АЛЬТИМЕТРИЯ, МОРСКАЯ ПОВЕРХНОСТЬ, МОДЕЛЬ БРАУНА, ОШИБКА SB, РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ВОЗВЫШЕНИЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ, altimetry, Brown model, distribution of surface elevations, sea surface, skewness bias
Дата занесения
2023-01-26 12:08:09