The Gorky Reservoir is a prime example of a eutrophic reservoir. The ecological state of the reservoir usually deteriorates due to the constant increase in
anthropogenic load and therefore requires a complex development of methods for regular monitoring, analysis of satellite data and data on optical characteristics.
To develop a regional algorithm for determining the hydrological parameters of the reservoir using satellite data it is necessary to carry out atmospheric correction,
which is impossible without measuring the main optical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol over the study region. During the expeditionary work from 2016 to 2017,
these characteristics were measured using an SPM photometer and observations of the atmospheric transparency variability over the Gorky Reservoir were started but
the accumulated data are insufficient to obtain the spatial and temporal variability of regional aerosol characteristics. The results of Gorky Reservoir expedition
data processing showed that for further comprehensive research it is needed to use optical photometers, hydrochemical instruments and satellite data from Landsat-8
and Sentinel-2. The analyzed satellite images for the study period illustrate the spreading of cyanobacteria along the Gorky Reservoir. After creating a regional
algorithm, it will be possible to estimate the concentration of cyanobacteria and compare it with the data obtained by expeditions. © 2019 Space Research Institute
of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
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