Since 1998, MHI has been monitoring the hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the waters of the Sevastopol Bay. The purpose of this work is to
study the hydrological characteristics of the waters of the Sevastopol Bay, according to the expedition research data of the MHI in 2006-2018. This paper uses data
from 34 surveys from 2006-2018. Studies during the majority of surveys were carried out on a grid of 36 stations, with 3 stations being performed just before going
to the bay, the rest in the Sevastopol bay itself. 11 expeditions were completed in the winter months, the spring - 8, in the summer - 2, in the autumn - 13.
The measurements were carried out using a complex SHIK-01 with an oxygen channel and an automatic cassette of batometers and autonomous complexes GAP-12C and GAP-12A.
During the observation period (from 2006 to 2018) there were significant fluctuations (up to 100C) of the bottom temperature associated with cold water inflow.
In the area of Grafskaya Bay due to river flow r. Chernaya salinity varied within 14-17.5‰. In general, in the cold months the sea surface temperature dropped to
60C, in the summer months it warmed up to 26oC, the salinity of surface waters was 17.5-17.75‰
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