Beryllium-7 (7Be) and its variability in the near-surface atmosphere of Crimea, the Black Sea region  id статьи: 1313
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Atmospheric Pollution Research

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том 13
выпуск 5
страницы № 101406
Variability of 7Ве activity in the near-surface atmosphere of Sevastopol, Crimea, was recorded from August 2011 to December 2020. Monthly mean values of 7Be activity varied from 1.6 to 6.7 mBq m−3 around the average value of 3.9 ± 1.3 mBq m−3. Higher values of 7Be activity were typical of the period from May to August (4.8–5.0 mBq m−3), while lower values were registered from December to January (2.3–2.6 mBq m−3). Annual mean values of 7Be tended to decrease from 4.1 to 2.6 mBq m−3 during 2012–2015 and to increase from 3.3 to 4.7 mBq m−3 after 2015. The spectral analysis results of the time series indicate the presence of long-term and seasonal variabilities. A trend-seasonal decomposition technique was applied to identify long-term, seasonal and stochastic variabilities in the 7Be time series. The influence of cosmic and atmospheric factors on the 7Ве variability was quantified. It was found that long-term variability in the 7Ве activity depended exclusively on cosmic factors that determine the production of 7Ве in the atmosphere. Seasonal variability was driven by atmospheric factors primarily associated with convective mixing in the atmosphere. The influence of cosmic and atmospheric factors on the 7Ве variability was parameterized and incorporated into the multi-linear regression model. The validation results indicate that the model correctly simulates the seasonal and long-term dynamics of the monthly mean values of 7Be activity with an average error of about 13% and reproduces up to 80% of its recorded variability. © 2022 Turkish National Committee for Air Pollution Research and Control
Ключевые слова
Beryllium-7 (7Be), Decomposition; Forecasting, Meteorological parameters, Solar activity, The Black Sea
Дата занесения
2022-04-11 13:53:59
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Квартиль Q1
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