Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to discuss practical results of pilot miming of a domestic ship ferry box system.
Methods and Results. The results were obtained in course of in situ studies of structure and spatial-temporal variability
of optical, hydrological and hydrochemical fields of surface water during the complex cruises in which the scientists
from Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, participated in 2015-2017. The considered polygons were
of different scales and located nearby the Southern Coast of Crimea. The ferry box measurements were carried out
continuously in real time with high spatial resolution and showed good reliability.
Based on the contact ferry box surveys carried out at the test sub-satellite polygons near the Herakleian Peninsular,
the background structure of the surface water hydrophysical fields was mapped. In the polygon surface layer, small-scale water
lenses were authentically identified. They accompany the intensive hydrological torch-type formations that arise in an
outbreak of industrial and sewage waters discharge near the bottom and then reach the surface.
Conclusions. The information of the ferry box system surveys carried out at the large-scale polygons during the cruises
of R/V Professor Vodyanitsky (the 89th - October, 2016 and the 98th - November, 2017) nearby the Southern Coast of Crimea
provided new in situ data that were impossible to obtain by contact methods. The represented results demonstrate high
information content of the ferry box measurements, its efficiency and possibility of its further application for studying
hydrophysical processes and phenomena in a wide range of their variability and in various weather conditions.
The principle possibilities and further prospects of the ferry box system in obtaining new notions on submeso- and
small-scale hydrodynamic processes are confirmed. Besides, the system implies development both of the approaches for
rational use of marine resources near the Crimean and Sevastopol coasts and the elements of the advanced technology
for the instrumental shelf monitoring in critical situations.
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