Study of temporary variability of vertical structure parameters of water in the coastal zone of Southern Crimea[ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕННОЙ ИЗМЕНЧИВОСТИ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ВЕРТИКАЛЬНОЙ СТРУКТУРЫ ВОД В ПРИБРЕЖНОЙ ЗОНЕ ЮЖНОГО КРЫМА]  id статьи: 1189
Тип публикации
материалы конференции
InterCarto, InterGIS

Выходные данные
том 27
страницы 49 - 58
The issues of the formation and temporal variability of the vertical structure of the Black Sea waters off the coast of the southern Crimea are considered. A large array of instrumental measurement data obtained in the second half of 2013 (June-December) during operational monitoring of the vertical temperature profile in the area of Stationary oceanographic platform of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute in the coastal zone near Cape Kikineiz is used. The measurements were carried out using a thermoline, which is a system of temperature sensors distributed in depth from the surface to the bottom. To study the vertical structure of the temperature field, a model of two-layer stratification is considered, when two quasi-homogeneous layers (the upper one is warmer and the lower one cold) are separated by a layer of large vertical temperature gradients - the thermocline. A number of parameters of the vertical structure of waters were calculated: the vertical temperature gradient, its maximum values and depth of occurrence, the temperature of the thermocline core (if it was recorded) and quasi-uniform layers, the temperature difference between these layers, and the thermocline thickness. The median estimates of the daily values of the listed parameters are analyzed. Specific cases of transformation of the vertical profile of water temperature during the upwelling and downwelling processes are considered. It is shown that the temporal variability of the parameters of the vertical structure is significant, especially in the summer hydrological season. The main contribution to the variability is caused by the seasonal course of the heat flow from the atmosphere through the sea surface and surge processes (upwelling and downwelling) in the summer period caused by abrupt changes in the alongshore wind component. In the autumn hydrological season, the thermocline is recorded sporadically with a slight gradient in the form of the lower boundary of the subsurface layer of daytime heating, or a thin bottom layer. © 2021 Lomonosov Moscow State University. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова
Depth and thickness of the thermocline, Quasi-uniform layer, Southern coast of Crimea, Thermocline, Vertical temperature gradient, Water temperature, ТЕМПЕРАТУРА ВОДЫ, ТЕРМОКЛИН, КВАЗИОДНОРОДНЫЙ СЛОЙ, ВЕРТИКАЛЬНЫЙ ГРАДИЕНТ ТЕМПЕРАТУРЫ, ГЛУБИНА ЗАЛЕГАНИЯ И ТОЛЩИНА ТЕРМОКЛИНА, ЮЖНЫЙ БЕРЕГ КРЫМА
Дата занесения
2022-02-01 13:39:16
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