Influence of dust aerosol on the results of atmospheric correction of remote sensing reflection of the Black and Mediterranean Seas from MODIS satellite data[Влияние пылевого аэрозоля на результаты атмосферной коррекции спектрального коэффициента яркости Чёрного и Средиземного морей по спутниковым данным MODIS]  id статьи: 1181
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Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa

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том 18
выпуск 6
страницы 46 - 56
One of the main problems of oceanography is validating satellite and field data, studying the influence of the atmospheric component on the performance of satellite algorithms. In current research, we consider the effect of dust aerosol on the results of calculating the remote sensing reflectance of the Black and Mediterranean Seas from measurements by the MODIS Aqua satellite. Eleven cases of dust transport were accompanied by dust-specific changes in optical characteristics, such as: aerosol optical thickness, aerosol particle size distribution, Angstrom parameter and single scattering albedo. During the analysis of dust episodes, 5 of which were over the Black Sea and 6 over the Mediterranean Sea, it was concluded that it was necessary to correct or create a new regional algorithm for the Black Sea. Since in the presence of dust aerosol, as a result of high aerosol optical depth (AOT), satellite algorithms significantly overestimate the reflection coefficient of seawater, which may be due to the fact that not all geophysical factors occurring in the Black Sea basin are taken into account. In the Mediterranean, this effect was not observed. The study examined the dust days without clouds, blooming or highlights for assessing the exact contribution of dust. © 2021 Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова
AERONET, Aerosol optical depth, Angstrom parameter, Atmospheric correction, Dust aerosol, MODIS, Remote sensing reflectance, Sea brightness, Single scattering albedo
Дата занесения
2022-01-31 14:49:40
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Развитие методов оперативной океанологии на основе междисциплинарных исследований процессов формирования и эволюции морской среды и математического моделирования с привлечением данных дистанционных и контактных измерений
0555- 2021-0003