Abstract: The response of the Black Sea upper layer tothe quasitropical cyclone on September 25–29, 2005 is studied using thecoupled model consisting of the WRF atmosphere model, NEMO ocean model,and OASIS coupler. The circulation arising in the sea under theinfluence of the quasitropical cyclone is considered. It is demonstratedhow sea surface temperature varied under the cyclone during itsevolution and movement. The possible mechanisms of the significant (by>10°С) temperature drop under the cyclone are analyzed. It is shownthat the main reason for the sea surface cooling is upwelling, i.e., thecold water lifting from the thermocline to the sea surface, and heatexchange with the atmosphere has an insignificant effect on thetemperature variation. It is also demonstrated that the value of the seasurface temperature anomaly simulated by the coupled modeling isconsistent with observational data much better than the results ofatmospheric reanalysis and marine reprocessing. © 2020, Allerton Press, Inc.