Spatial distribution and interannual variability of cyanobacteria blooms on the North-Western shelf of the Black Sea in 1985-2019 from satellite data  id статьи: 1120
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Harmful Algae

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страницы № 102128
Long-term high and medium resolution satellite data are used to study spatial, seasonal and interannual variability of the cyanobacteria blooms (CB) in the North-Western Shelf (NWS) of the Black Sea. High-resolution Landsat data demonstrate that CB were regularly observed in the study area on satellite images in 1985-2020. Comparison of quasi-synchronous Landsat and MODIS images was used to study the characteristic features of CB spectra, which are: a “step” formed by MODIS 3 (469) and 4 (488) channel, probably related to the absorption by photoprotective carotenoids; increased reflectance in near-infrared; maximum at 547-555 nm. On the base of these features, we develop the automated algorithm of CB identification and reconstruct the daily dataset of CB over 2003-2019. The main advantage of the developed algorithm is its ability to filter out non-bloom areas in all seasons and meteorological conditions and during blooms of other algae in the deep part of the sea. Analysis of this dataset, complemented by Landsat data, allows to identify two primary sources of the CB in the NWS: the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the Danube mouth, and study the evolution of CB in these areas in detail. CB can penetrate on more than 150 km from the sources reaching in rare cases the Crimean coast. Such offshore propagation is mainly wind-driven and was often related to the upwelling frontal currents. The climatic seasonal peak of CB near the Danube is observed in May-June following the peak of river discharge in April-May. It precedes the peak of CB near the Dnieper-Bug estuary observed during maximum surface heating in August. At the same time, the case study of bloom evolution in 2009 shows that CB can be observed in these areas several times in a season, triggered mainly by periods of low winds. The strongest bloom of CB in 2003-2019 was observed in 2004-2006 and 2008-2010 following by the sharp decrease after 2011. This decrease is related to the observed reduction of the river discharge and, more important, the rise of the wind intensity in summers of the recent period. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
Ключевые слова
cyanobacteria, interannual variability, Landsat, MODIS, remote sensing, satellite measurements, the Black Sea
Дата занесения
2021-12-16 14:26:49
Статус есть
Квартиль Q1
Статус есть
Квартиль Q1
Статус нет
Импакт-фактор --
количество баллов за публикацию
количество баллов каждому автору
история начисления баллов за квартал:



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