Parameterization of Solar Radiation Absorption by Snow-ice Cover in the Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model of the Sea of Azov  id статьи: 1116
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том 28
выпуск 5
страницы 499-513
Purpose. The work is aimed at assessing the influence of choice of the parameterization scheme of the snow and ice radiation features upon reproduction of seasonal evolution of the snow-ice cover thickness and temperature distribution in it in the Taganrog Bay top part. Methods and Results. Thermal seasonal dynamics of the snow-ice cover thickness in the northeastern part of the Taganrog Bay was studied using a non-stationary thermodynamic model of sea ice. The model reproduces formation of ice and accumulation of snow on its surface, spatial-temporal change in their thermophysical characteristics, melting of the snow-ice cover, vertical distribution of temperature, and solar radiation absorbed in its thickness at a preset timed data on the meteorological parameters. In the numerical solution of the heat conductivity equation for snow and ice including a radiation source, a computational grid permitting to maintain spatial resolution of the temperature profiles in the snow-ice cover during its melting and growth was applied. Two variants of parameterization of solar radiation transfer in the sea ice were considered. The first version assumed exponential decay of radiation with the constant transmittance and extinction coefficients. In the second one, a two-layer scheme of the solar radiation penetration into ice was used; it simulated the near-surface transition layer. Attenuation of intensity of solar radiation in the snow thickness was described by the Bouguer-Lambert law with the extinction coefficient both as independent of the snow thermophysical characteristics and as represented by the function of its density. The numerical experiments with the purpose to reproduce seasonal evolution of the snow-ice cover thickness and its vertical temperature profile in the Taganrog Bay top part were performed for the winter season, 2016/17. Comparative analysis of the simulation results and the sea ice thickness values taken from the ESIMO ice maps made it possible to choose a combination of the model parameters that provides the best correspondence between the calculated and actual values. Conclusions. It is shown that in reproducing the seasonal changes in the ice cover thickness in the Taganrog Bay top part in winter, 2016/17, the choice of the transmittance and extinction coefficients for white ice represented by the cloudiness functions, on the one hand, and the thickness of the layer with the most intense absorption of short-wave radiation similar to 4 cm, on the other, turned out to be the most justified.
Ключевые слова
sea ice, thermodynamicsice, thickness, vertical ice temperature profile, short-wave radiation, extinction coefficient, Sea of Azov
Дата занесения
2021-11-23 14:26:45
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Квартиль Q4
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