Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Федеральный исследовательский центр
«Морской гидрофизический институт РАН» Научно-техническая библиотека
Результаты научной деятельности сотрудников ФГБУН ФИЦ МГИ
The results of integrated monitoring of the water dynamics in the coastal zone of the southern coast of Crimea for 2008–2016 are presented. The mode and features of coastal water circulation are determined. An intensive contribution of low-frequency oscillations of coastal currents on a seasonal and synoptic scale is identified based on the results of the spectral analysis of a nine-year set of vector dynamics series. The longshore structure of reciprocating jet streams caused by water dynamics on the shelf and the continental slope dominates during water fluctuations in the coastal zone.