A linear approximation and a finite-element hydrodynamic model ADCIRC were used to study seiche oscillations in the system of Sevastopol bays caused by wave perturbations on the liquid boundary of the model domain. The calculations were carried out for perturbations with periods from 1 to 52 min with impact duration from 4 to 24 h. Resonance periods were found for the bays in the system. The effect of perturbations with a duration of >15 h with periods 1-15 min lead to the generation of intense high-frequency modes with periods 2.0-4.5 min, which become dominant over low-frequency modes (periods >10 min) in all Sevastopol bays, thus creating in them the conditions for harbor seiche formation. The bays interact with one another via energy exchange through their entries, resulting in the penetration of oscillations with periods of characteristics modes of each bay into adjacent bays. The Helmholtz mode of the Bay of Sevastopol (with a period of 48 min) manifests itself in all bays of the system.